Monday, March 8, 2010


So, I told you I'd let you know if any other events are happening in March, and there is one more to add to the list, and it's a big one:

March 26-I'm getting braces put on.

I know, ridiculous. I'll be turning 19 years old and just be getting braces. (luckily right after my birthday though.) It's at a bitter sweet situation for me. In one hand, I'm most definitely not looking forward to it. 1.because of my age, and 2. who wants braces anyway? In the other hand though, I'm sort of...excited? (is that weird?) because I'll finally be getting them on, and I'm more anxious to be satisfied with what my teeth look like afterwards. I remember back in junior high when I was initially going to get them put on, I was more excited, because I could get different colors, and I thought that was going to be so cool. Now, I wish I could get the clear kind of braces, the kind where you have to take a double take to see if someone has them, where you can still pretty much tell, but not as noticeable as the regular metal. The dentist said I should have them on minimum a year and maximum a year and a half. So it's not TOO bad, I'm just still hoping for a year. It's bad enough that I already look a lot younger than I am, having these braces is going to make me look like I'm 13.

let the journey begin...


Simone Knepper said...

but your teeth are perfect!

Frank Morgan said...

i try telling her. all the timee

The OC Gazette said...

seriously, why do you need braces? :/

The OC Gazette said...

oops. this is blythe

danielle marie. said...

haha i figured blythe.

theres a couple teeth (especially my front two) that are crooked, and i dont like them, at all. I have a thing with teeth and i want mine to be straight.

Frank Morgan said...

seee everybody says you don't need them!!!

Camyron Lee said...

Ha, aw D.
You'll look so little!
It'll be worth it in a year:)
Although...I'm afraid I HAVE to agree with the masses, YOU have great teeth!

Camyron Lee said...
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