well, october is ending. and as fun as october was, i'm ready for november to be here, then DECEMBER! the whole month of october was great, many many events. after jessicas wedding, this is what i've been up to.
pumpkin patch.
this was Aidans first time at the pumpkin patch!! he was adorable!!
he got excited about everything.
look familiar?
i just love this picture.

adorable. right??
husband and wife :)
then, Aidan started kicking pumpkins..
..and throwing them..
..and then running away while laughing.
but tell me he isn't the cutest thing ever.
laguna with family.
after church one day we met up with my family and went down to laguna beach and had lunch and just walked around. it was really nice.
Stephen & Frank :)
little baby ella.
Frankie calls Ella his Panda. Elyse and Nick were out one day and found a panda outfit, and had to buy it,
its so ADORABLE.
SEE!! i love when baby outfits have things on the butt.

pumpkin carving.
pretty much every thursday my family and a close family friend of ours gets together. the majority of the thursdays are spent hanging out, having dinner, the girls crafting, and going to michaels or joannes, and the boys going to play basketball. this past thursday, we all carved pumpkins! :)
although us girls still went to joannes :)
yup. he's 3.

my pumpkin!
Jack Skellington
i'm not gunna lie, i'm pretty proud of my pumpkin.

adorable aidan sitting next to his pumpkin. (spider man)

mine and Frankies pumpkin.
jack skellington and mario.
aidan extremely excited to show daddy his pumpkin.

everyones pumpkin! :)
i love thursdays.
couples night.
this past friday night, our closest friends got together and went out to dinner and hung out for a bit. its extremely rare for all of us to have the same night off, so we were all extremely excited. especially to have our friends Allee and Roland (newest newlyweds) from Idaho be with us.

nate, holding all our purses while we take pictures.

showin their muscles.
bummer its a blurry one.

these are my best friends.

halloween party.
saturday night our old college group had a costume party. it was so good to go! we couldn't go last year, because i worked :( (wretched stater bros). anyways, it was a lot of fun. everybody had real good costumes this year.

a crazy old cat lady...and her cat

a man in his 80's, and a girl FROM the 80's



indiana jones

playing his role and being a cat

we were tourists!

zombie housewives

a cook, mario, and the hulk, after he gets crazy.
even the dog dressed up!

stoked with all of her kittys!
crazy old lady.
karli, being karli.

yeah, he rocked socks and sandals.
october was such a great month! november is going to be great. already planned: girls night. Maritza and Peters wedding. Matt and Angelas wedding. Kaylas pink party! Thanksgiving!! black friday! it is going to be another great month :)
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