This past friday was my first ever black friday shopping experience. It was actually very fun. My mom, my aunt, and myself left at 4:45 in the morning. (Not too crazy compared to some people out there. Like the ones that stay out all night, and camp out in front of stores) The deals that some of these stores have are amazing. I got some things for Frankie for Christmas, and also some things for myself :) I found a great coat my mom has been wanting, the regular price was $70, but I got it for $22. Amazing.
At Target, they had the seasons of Friends for $8.99. I have the whole set of all 10 seasons, but for some reason my season 10 went missing a while back. So I decided to take advantage of this great deal, and buy season 10. It was either have season 10 missing forever, buy a new one for the regular price of about $30, or, buy a new one for $8.99. I think I’ll go with the last choice.
So many stores had everything for 50% off, it was amazing. We found some awesome deals, like these snazzy vests:

Me and my mom decided that since we went together this year, we started a tradition, so from now on, every black friday, we will be out shopping. And I have absolutely no problem with that. I really enjoyed the whole day. 1. I love shopping. 2. I love things on sale. It's perfect.
I wish every friday was black friday.
can i borrow a Friends season? pretty please? :)
hey sure :)
just dont lose it it ;)
what season did you want?
any season, maybe the latest? or second to latest? im not sure, what do you think i should start on? the first?
wow that was a lot of questions. sorry.
hmmm. i say start on the first. then work your way through the all the seasons.
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