Thursday night, after Bible study, me and Frankie carved pumpkins with some friends...wait let me correct that statement: Frankie carved pumpkins with friends, all I did was separate the pumpkin was a lot of fun though, I hadn't carved a pumpkin in years (even though i technically didn't carve this year), it was really cool to watch everyone do it, and see the ending results. Tonight, we baked the pumpkin seeds that I had saved. Unfortunately they didn't turn out like I remember them tasting when my grandma made them when I was younger, but thats ok. Hanging out with friends was fun, hopefully next year I'll actually get to join in on the carving. ;)

I am happy you guys are so involved with your college group! That's great! :)
very fun night baby, loved it. Next year, you can do all the carving!
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