Yesterday was a good friend of mines birthday.
Blythe Hill!

She had a nice little backyard get together. It was adorable. Everything was set up so cute.

For Blythe's birthday her boyfriend Jordan got her a nice new record player. Only for Blythe to want records for her birthday, so that's what me and Frankie got for her :)

Make your own grilled cheese station! Brilliant!
(sorry for blurriness)
Bon Iver and Radiohead. Needless to say she was a little excited and loved them both. :)

She also loved this little number she got from some friends.

The party was fantastic. Everything was set up so nicely, and so cute. Drinks were great, food was such a great idea! Desert was delicoius. I had a great time. You did a great job Blythe. And also, to her close friend Shannon for helping out.

Happy Birthday Blythe!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and a great time at your party.
awww d-yell! thanks for coming, for the awesome records, and for the post with pics! i love it all! :)
ha. some of those pics are ridic.u.lous. ;)
a lovely night. with great friends:)
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