This last weekend was a very fun weekend. On Saturday, me and Frankie drove up to Temecula for my little brothers birthday party. He turned 5. The theme of the party was Spongebob Squarepants, and I was unaware of this. Not only did I buy him a Spongebob game for his DS, but I came dressed looking like I was trying to match the party. I had a bright yellow shirt on, and someone even asked if I wore it on purpose. I really had no idea..
We are sort of party animals

Birthday Boy

There was a jumper and all, and here are a couple pictures of some fun we had..
looks like a legitimate floating jeanie.

the running maannn

good old pure fun.

Sunday night, was an amazing night. Me and Frankie and saw Coldplay. He, has seen them twice before, and me on the other hand, had never seen them, nor any other band in concert for that matter. So yes, I was a little bit excited.

One of the best parts of the show is when Coldplay came out in the audience and played a couple of songs. One of the reasons being:

You could see, the sweat coming off of their faces. Yes, a little disgusting, but amazing that they were that close.

It was one of the coolest, most awesome things I have ever experienced in my entire life. Seeing one of my favorite bands play, 5 feet in front of me...amazing.

The whole entire weekend was a blast. I had a great time; with my boyfriend, and family in between. I love you guys.
One of the best weekends of my life. I love you baby<3
no kudos for giving you the tip? :)
i love those bounce house pictures! hahaha.
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