It passed. Proposition 8 passed, no gay marriage.
What didnt pass is Propostition 4. And that just disgusts me.
Honestly, why would you not want to know if your child is having an abortion? It's sick.
I think most parents out there that voted no on this are parents that, aren't really involved with their kids, or, point blank they could really not even care what their kids are doing. They don't care that their kids are getting drunk every night, doing drugs, having sex.. getting an abortion.
It breaks my heart.
You need if not one but two parent signatures to get your ears pierced.
You can't get tylenol from the school nurse.
You need a signature to go on a field trip with your class.
But you dont need parent consent to get an abortion.
Getting your ears pierced wont kill you people, an abortion can.
They say for an abortion the baby or fetus is not yet a person, so its not killing anyone.
Yet, if a woman who were pregnant, even in the early stages of her pregnancy, were to get killed, that person would be charged for double murder. Double murder. meaning there were two people killed.
You can't have it both ways.
I think the voting public was persuaded to vote 'no' to protect the rights of girls who live in dangerous homes, 'where the news of pregnancy and/or abortion would cause additional harm to the situation.'
In a small percentage of cases, that's probably true. But the prop didn't pass because the majority of people, who actually have decent relationships with their daughters, hope to protect that small margin who might not.
All that to say, I voted yes.
yeah i find it sick. and i DONT think that we should be allowing abortion to happen just to protect the small majority of people. if a girl is in a dangerous home, that means it is ALREADY a dangerous home. I personally don't think a pregnancy would change the danger in an already dangerous home. but people don't get that. they sympathize for the wrong reasons. lets also be sympathetic to the unborn children.
but i do see how having a baby in that environment would be extremely difficult. perhaps we should have a proposition similar to 4, which also institutes protection from dangerous homes during the pregnancy. it would cost money, but protect unborn children.
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