Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday?

Oh what a story I have. I actually don't know why im telling you this, becuase I felt like such an idiot afterwards, but, hey thats what i do.

So im at work today (I work at Stater Bros. for those of you that did not know) and im bagging groceries and talking to Shannon (my favorite cashier).
Since my dads birthday is on Saturday i go into La La Land or as I like to call it, Danielles World, and just dont even pay attention to anything, just completely out of it. Im still bagging and thinking of what im going to get my dad for his birthday and what im going to do and all that good stuff. Remember, im thinking birthday. So I see the costumer start to leave, put the last bag of groceries into her cart, and say....

"Happy Birthday"
Yup. I said it. I said happy birthday to some random person i didnt even know, and it wasnt even her birthday. Not, "Have a nice day." or "Have a good one." Happy freakin Birthday.
just ridiculous.
Since were on the topic of work, lets discuss my worst pet peeves ath this place yeah?
  • Customers tell me they want paper bags, AFTER i bag them in plastic.
  • Customers give me their own bags to put their groceries in, AFTER i bag them.
  • Customers leave their kids in the main part of the carts, and refrain from moving them. Oh and of course they all have the largest load.
  • When customers are getting a cart, but take their sweet, precious time, and just stand in front of all of them, while im sitting there with a line of carts, waiting for them.
  • When customers for some reason think they are right about a price being lower than it says it is on the screen, when they're really not.
  • Mothers come throught the line with just a stoller and no cart, and insist on putting all their groceries in that little dinky thing. It holds up the line.
  • Old people just watching you put their groceries in the bag, probably just making sure your putting the right things along with each other. You know they're judging you.
  • Customers have the cashier ring up a crap load of things, and then once the cost is said, decide not to get half of it, or just say leave all of it. Yeah, that means i have to put it all back.
  • People put things away where they don't belong. [although i must admit i have done it before]
  • I'm outside, gathering carts, people see me, but insist on just leaving their cart in the middle of the parking lot. Especially when the place where your SUPPOSED to put them, is 2 parking spots away from them.
  • When people try and jam the big carts in the small ones.
  • When people try and jam the small carts in the big ones.
  • Customers ask me questions when im on my break. Its just like, really?
  • Cleaning the freezers.

im pretty sure theres a lot more, i just cant think of them at the moment. But when they come to me, ill let you know....

(Oh yeah, i just wanted to let everyone know that my boyfriend Frankie Nilon is the sweetest guy ever. I mean, gosh!)


Frank Morgan said...

hahaha yesss. it's like when a waiter tells you to have a good meal and you reply, "oh you too!"

but this is somewhat more embarassing. given the fact that i came out of nowhere haha

danielle marie. said...

yeeeah but this was worse.

and hey by the way, thanks for the little add at the bottom BABE.

Frank Morgan said...

hey no problem sweetums.
i could read your mind and i knew thats what you were thinking.
i just knew haa.

blythe said...

hahah frankie added that little bit at the end??

oh, but what i really came to say was that i really liked your long list of peeves. and especially the part at the end where you said "i'm sure there's more..." because to an outsider, it seemed to be a pretty extensive list as it is.

haha but i loved it.
and i'm adding you to my feed now, finally.