Monday, December 30, 2013

2013, in pictures.

highlights from 2013:


first of many ;)









2 years married!

Jessica had baby Judea!!!


I became a dodgers fan

Kayla had baby Evangeline!!!


2nd annual Fakesgiving


It's been a great year. I can't wait to see what is in store for 2014!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

busy as a bee

time. has. been. flying.
I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow!! I'm glad I got all my Christmas shopping done.....last night.
Normally I'm so on top of all my shopping! It just snuck up on me this year.

Since the last time we chatted, welp nothing much has been happening.

The biggest thing goin' on is my job. I'm now managing a store, which I can't officially call 'my own' yet. I'm there on a Time Limited Assignment. Still technically considered an assistant manager, but am acting manager at the store. This is basically a trial run, as I like to call it. I could potentially take it over though, which is what I'm hoping happens. So far, its going great! It's a ton of work, but I truly love my job. The past couple weeks have been crazy stressful, and I could rant on and on about it, but I won't bore you with that ;)
I'm so blessed that Frankie has the same job. Having the same job as my husband is, honestly really great. When I need to vent, or just straight up talk about work, he completely knows what I'm talking about, and feels me. And vise versa as well, we completely understand what each other is going through.  I, love it. Neither of us can come home and say "you have no idea what I went through all day"...actually, yeah. Yeah I do. Again, it's great.
So anyways, with both of us being so busy and crazy with work, we're tired. Like all the time. Most days we work, come home eat and sleep. haha. (but really). That's all we do. Of course with occasional plans with friends and/or family, which then just makes us even more busy. But, we're lovin' life.

Speaking of being tired, I don't know why I'm not in bed right now. Gotta open up shop tomorrow!
Well everyone, have a very Happy Christmas, and a super safe Merry New Year.

Till next time,
