Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

back to school.

"Back to schooool. Back to schooool. To prove to daaad, that I'm not a fooool"

Last Monday, I started school again. I took this past fall semester off mainly because I had no car, and also because I'm paying for everything, and I didn't really have the money. So I worked pretty much full time and saved up. Now that everything's paid for this semester, I'm broke again. haha

Monday and Wednesday nights, I'm taking Sign Language. Fiiiinallyyyyy. Its been a year and a half (3 semesters) since I've last taken a sign class, and ohhhhh how I've missed it. For those that don't know, Sign Language is my major, I want to be an interpreter. It's a huge passion of mine, and I strive to be fluent one day :) The class is from 7:30-9:20 at Saddleback, and it's the first night class I've taken. Luckily I'm taking it with Elyse, Frankie's sister, so I'm not walking out there late at night by myself. And also, we carpool. Big plus :) I can't decide whether or not I like having a night class compared to a morning class, but for now, as far as work goes (i am always working nights), I would much rather be in a sign classes learning about something I love than working at Stater Bros.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings I'm taking Psychology at IVC. I actually somewhat wanted to take this class. It seems pretty interesting. And honestly after going through the syllabus I'm really interested in what is going to be taught. The only downfall: My professor. He is so. boring. Now, I could be getting him all wrong, considering there's only been 2 class meetings, but he just sounds so monotone, and not exciting at all. He has his Ph.D, and has been studying psychology for 14 years, and claims to be extremely passionate about it, so I'm HOPING that he will transfer that passion into his teaching, and maybe make things a little interesting. I'll give him a couple weeks and see how he does. Despite the interesting topics, this class will need a lot of work..

I'm also taking an online Deaf Culture and its History class through Saddleback. This is the first time I've taken an online class, and honestly I'm a little scared. I've never really been the type of person to take an online course. You know, do everything on your own, I don't do well with that. What mainly encouraged me to take this class is Elyse, because she is also taking it, and also I need this class as a requirement. It's only an 8 week class, so It's a lot of work. I already did two of the assignments though and they don't seem too hard (if you do the reading). And all the assignments are pretty much the same. So if I do the reading, I'm sure I will do fine.

Overall, I'm taking 10 units. Even though I'm only taking 3 classes, this semester is going to be a lot. of. work. I really need to learn to buckle down, and choose to do school over "fun things". I think, and hope that I can do it. I'm going to try.
Here goes nothin.

"I've got my lunch packed. My boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight."

Friday, January 15, 2010

i own a car :D

As of last Saturday, I finally finally finally, have my own car. After, months of searching, I found one, and really, it was right in front of me the whole time. It was my grandmas 98 Ford Contour, she hardly ever drove it. It has 69,000 miles on it, and is in pretty amazing condition. Besides the color ("old lady grandma color" as Frankie likes to call it), I love it. Honestly, i would have probably loved anything that was mine and able to drive whenever, but really, the car is great.
The picture is pretty cheesy, and the lighting sucks, but hey, I needed a picture with my new sweet ride ;)

I just had to post this last picture to show my awesome headband. (hopefully you can see it, i made the picture larger) My love friend Blythe made it herself. Thanks friend :)

*Also, I was sort of "ducking down" like that because the sun was right in my faceee.

Friday, January 8, 2010

8 siblings...and counting?

So I figured, I have so many siblings, I think they're all worthy of a blog. Going down from oldest to youngest:

Stephen Thomas

Ryan James
Age: 13

Alyssa Sarah
Age: 11

Abigail Brianne
Age: 10

Robert Alfred IV
Age: 5

Kaylee Renee
Age: 3

Aidan Samuel
Age: 1

Lexie Isabella
Age: almost 2 weeks

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I just came across this amazing website. It's called artscow. My moms friend uses it all the time to print out her pictures. She gets 100 prints a month, and all she pays is shipping, and she says its around $4. !!! Right now, if you sign up, new members get 1200 free prints!! 1200!!! Not only do they just do pictures, you can put a photo on a coaster, key chain, ornaments, mouse pad, mini coin purse, pencil case, SO MANY things. And the greatest thing is, when you sign up, you have all this credit, so you get tons of things for free. I eventually want to order some things, like a pencil case or something of the sort, just because I don't need to pay for it, and I think it would be nice to see how it comes out. The website is really neat, and since I'm getting all of the pictures for free, one of my new years resolutions is to start scrapbooking again. I haven't done it in years, and I am so excited to start back up again. I used to love it, I think I just got lazy. Anyways, check out the website, and get some free pictures printed. (minus the cost of shipping. But its CHEAP!!)