Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009

As you know(if you dont know im telling you right now, because you NEED to know), Coscto sells everything basically in bulk. They sell everything. Food, outdoor furniture, barbeques, playgrounds,clothing, ipods, tv's, computers, laptops, cell phones, DISNEYLAND PASSES, which by the way, when you buy a disneyland pass at Costco, it comes with a $50 giftcard inside. I had no idea! I wish I would have known that before I got my pass. Anyways, needless to say, they sell a LOT of things. But, not only is Costco great for everything they sell, oh, they have so much more.
For one, they have samples. A-mazing. I mean really, what is better than going to a store, and them giving away free food? Am I right?
Yes, some stuff may be kinda crappy, but I must admit, they have some gooood stuff.
Another thing, you can eat lunch, for like 3 bucks at Coscto. Even CHEAPER if you want. Hot dog and drink:$1.50. Or maybe you want a slice of pizza (which is ginormous by the way), you can get that. I believe one slice is one dollar and fifty cents? (someone correct if I'm wrong) and a drink is fifty nine cents. Come on..
The BEST though, is going to Costco just for samples, or even just to eat lunch. Or hey, maybe both? A combination of the two is great. Perfect example, one day after church my family and I went to the spectrum, just to walk around, do a little shopping. After the spectrum, we decided to get some Costco action. Whyy do you ask? For lunch and samples of course. I belive we walked around and had some samples first, you know, as a little appetizer. ;) Then after we got some lunch. For all 6 of us its like 10 bucks. I mean really. what. a. deal.
Not only that but it's fun to go with the whole family..
My step dad Steve is faaamous for going to Costco just for samples. Its so hilarious. Whenever just the two of us go its sort of a tradition to try every. single. sample. No matter how disgusting it looks. He came up with this little adventure, not me. Because if it was up to me, I wouldnt try everything. He always gets me though by saying, "Come on we have to try every. one." ahhhh. Just kills me.
All in all.....Coscto is marvelous.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
2 years late.
Quite ridiculous, trust me I know.
I used my boyfriends Toyota Corolla (which I veryy much appreciated, because he had to wake up earlier than he normally had to), because I was much more comfortable using a smaller car to take a test in, than a big astro van or truck. My appointment was at 8:40am, we got threre at exactly 8:40. We planned on getting there early, but, things happen and we just got there on time. It took about 45 minutes to get up to the front of the line, then, another 20 minutes waiting in the car. I wasn't nervous at first, not even while I was in the car waiting for the instructor to come out. Finally a girl walks out and glances at the car, and comes over and introduces herself.I sadly dont remember her name, and I am actually very disappointed I don't. I just remember I was so happy I got a woman instructor, and that she was a very nice lady.
She asks me to turn on my blinkers, step on the brake, honk the horn...all that good stuff. She gets in the car and tells me to start it, that is where I started to get a tad bit nervous. Not too much though.
The thing that killed me was when you could hear her write everything down. Little notes here and there, circling things. That noise, in this silent car, was just unbearable. I just wanted to know so badly what she was writing, or how I was doing, and what she was thinking.
Its not even a big deal, driving that is. It's the whole, your taking a test, and getting graded on this, and if you make too many mistakes you wont get your license..horrible feeling.
15 minutes later I pull back into the DMV parking lot, I park the car and turn it off. She tells me I did a very nice job and that, I passed.
Now, my next step...working on getting my own car.